Sunday, July 4, 2010
In loving memory of Margaret Alle:
Thanks for all the love and care when I was a creepy little kid.
Thanks for the drawing books and art supplies and for loving what I called art. Thanks for all the books and for my love of reading.
Thanks for not getting mad when I used your flip flops for floaties for the frogs.
Thanks for all off my wonderful pets like Maryann the guinea pig, and thanks for taking care of them so well. Thanks for letting me send Bandit the mouse all over the house in his freedom ball and for not getting angry when Blackberry the cat fished out of your fish tank.
Thanks for taking me to school with you, and thanks for letting me see how much all of those little kids adored you and how they were able to learn from you even though everyone else had given up on them.
Thanks for making me all of those amazing toys, clothes, and costumes; they were so much more special than the purchased kind.
Thanks for not minding that my toys took over half the house and only left you a little path to your bedroom.
Thanks for teaching me that it was okay to go barefoot all summer.
Thanks for all the fantastic trips to the fairs and the many attractions that we visited each summer.
Thanks for taking such great care of me when I was sick (and I was always sick).
Thanks for not being too mad when I started my traveling days. I know that part of you understood it was exactly what I needed.
And thanks for accepting me back into your life each time I returned home no matter how brief it was.
Thanks for saying that you liked my cooking, when we both knew it was dreadful stuff.
Thanks for not mentioning my horrible spelling in the cards and letters that I sent; I know it must have driven you nuts.
Thanks for being a part of my recent wedding, my whole life and my memories forever and ever.
And thanks most of all for knowing all of these things without my having the ability to say them to you.
Thanks for everything. Rest in peace now. I love you. Teresa Lee Alle